Textile collection campaign
The Management Board of the Max Europe group of companies has decided to initiate a textile collection campaign in collaboration with the BULGARIAN RED CROSS
Do you have textile clothes and other textile products you do not wish to be treated as waste? Then join the campaign from 19.07 to 23.07.2021 at Maxcom EOOD.
You can donate clothes, household textiles, bags and other accessories of any size, type and material. The only condition is for them to have been preserved and fit for use, packed in properly sealed bags.
The goal is to have the clothes be used again for their original purpose. They must look the same way you would like them to look whenever you need to use them.
The specialized containers of the BULGARIAN RED CROSS will be placed at the territory of the factory, at a place accessible for everyone.
The collected textile products will be sorted, sanitized and handed over to a reclaiming and recycling factory.
And now for a brief history:
In the beginning of March 2016, a new eco reform had begun, where the first containers for sorted collection and donation were placed in Plovdiv and Sofia. Since then, the network of containers with the Bulgarian Red Cross logo expands to Pernik, Kyustendil and Varna. Sorted collection and donation of unneeded household textile garnered widespread popularity among the citizens. They were looking for a way to responsibly give up their clothes, knowing that if they just threw them out with the common waste, they would be destroyed. The project is possible thanks to the main partnership with the Bulgarian Red Cross, as well as private and public eco and social corporate responsibility organizations.
In conclusion, let us remind ourselves that “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.